Friday 7 May 2010

Individual Magazine Cover Analysis

I choose this magazine cover to analyze among the much more attractive ones, because it has a two shot on it, which we will be probably using on our magazine cover. Therefore analysing it will help create good standard magazine to our film.
The main characters of King Kong are on the centre of the cover. The picture of the couple shows a connection between the characters also they are frightened and that gives an idea about the film and the setting. The man holding the woman in a protective way suggests that he doesn’t want to lose her and he is willing to protect her. Their clothing and the whole pose of them clearly tells that it is an adventure movie set in older times.
The warm clothing and the dark colour background suggests autumn/winter time and the issue on the top justifies that as it is an October issue.
The yellow colours of the huge block capital titles makes them stand out, and also drags the audience’s eyes to wards the central image. The ‘King Kong ‘title is clear it shows the main focus of the content and drags a certain type of audience. The smaller yellow titles contain other attractive aspects such as the title of a well know films and director ‘Lock Stock’, ‘Goodfellas’ and ‘Tarantino’ and the word ‘sex ’, which is attractive to all age and audiences (even if they don’t admit it J).
The smaller titles with white against dark colour stand out as well, makes them easy to read. They give some hint about the content of the magazine. These hints might be about films that are not as new as the one written with the bigger titles or only apply to a smaller audience e.g.: Domino, Harry Potter and Narnia.
Still the largest the one of the most important titles on the cover is the icon like Total Film Magazine title. It is usually white on all issues. It also has persuasive qualities which make the reader want to buy the magazine, because it acts as an assurance of quality and interesting content.
There are smaller things on the cover such as price, barcode, logo of sponsor, issue number are all such things that we have to pay attention not to miss out when creating out own design.

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